Fashion, Art, Culture


We passed 700 sales!


About a week ago we reached our 700th sale through the Etsy shop! This is a small milestone in the bigger vision I have for the brand but I am proud nonetheless. Especially since we are on trend to have our most successful year yet.

I started selling vintage as a hobby in 2011, while I was a Sophomore in college. I found myself constantly coming across beautiful vintage pieces that wouldn’t suit me, yet I could not pass up on purchasing them just because of how unique and interesting they were. After this trend started I had the bright idea to begin selling the clothing after I had been able to feature it in a photoshoot. As a poor college student this afforded me access to amazing fashion that I could then flip once I was finished with it.

Flash forward 9 years and that little shop is still running! I’ve certainly experienced highs and lows with the shop’s success over the years but i’ve always persisted. Reaching 700 sales to me means that in 700 different instances someone has valued the unique piece that I’ve picked or created myself. It is an affirmation of my style and influence as a tastemaker.

Remember to celebrate the little victories and to never undermine your successes. To check out the latest in our shop, click here.

- Jordan